The Magic of Encounter


It happens every year, but the Christmas season’s arrival still feels like a shock to the system. One day, we’re placing pumpkins, roasting turkeys, and raking leaves; the next, it’s all Christmas songs, twinkle lights, and cookies. The world seems to transform overnight. Homes fill up with scents of evergreen, cinnamon, and spices, while calendars overflow with gatherings, kids’ programs, and holiday traditions, all leading up to the chorus of surprised squeals and torn paper on Christmas morning.

These last few weeks of the year can feel far too busy, but they also offer joyful encounters of all shapes and sizes. Amidst the hustle and bustle, it’s time we take notice of the experiences unfolding around us. And what better way to begin than taking in the very merry moments you’ve given the rescued kids in our special Christmas Edition of The Child Freedom Journal? May these reminders of the good you’ve done help you get wholly wrapped up in the magic around you this season.


A decade ago, the first CFC graduates completed vocational training and left our care to begin successful adult lives and careers. They had every right to spend their paychecks on comfort and fun, especially after all they’d endured in childhood. Instead, these 40 young women and 25 young men invented an idea that became the foundation of our sustainable programs. They gave back. Over the years, their courageous generosity has snowballed into 1,778 total graduates giving back $2,754,633—and that giving increases with every student we train. 

Looking ahead at the last few weeks of 2023, we have an incredible opportunity to launch 174 students ready for vocational training so we can ring in the new 2024 year with 2,024 graduates!

Click the button below to gift one or many students life-changing vocational training this Christmas!

When our son, Bear, was little, he loved helping me mow the lawn. He would beg to help—even when his hands couldn’t really get good leverage on the handle. It may have taken more time, but what a joy it was to do the work together. Like Bear, I want to grab hold of what my Father is doing and try to push in step with Him. When I first heard about Child Freedom Coalition, I knew this was a chance for our family to work alongside God for these amazing kids rescued from trafficking. I pray that our story inspires you to push along as well.   —  JOSH PEDERSEN


We still remember the day and moment we first learned about what God was doing through the faithful men and women working to free children from unfathomable situations. The stories we encountered moved us to tears and then to action. “How can we help? What can we do? People need to hear these stories!” we said. We are still overwhelmed thinking about that initial moment. Over the years, as we have watched The Children’s Home become a reality and heard the stories of once enslaved children now thriving, we find a great deal of joy. It is very humbling to play a small role in the lives of the children.   —  JOSH PEDERSEN


 Josh has developed a large network of amazing people in our area through a lifetime of ministry, and he makes a point of sharing with them the amazing rescue stories and the work CFC is doing in South Asia as often as possible. He’s a captivating speaker and recently was able to share at a CFC event to encourage current and new donors to keep giving and sharing the stories to compel possible new donors to give.

I write for a local magazine that goes out to over 2,500 homes. That connection has recently allowed me to write about CFC and encourage other similar local magazines to share the story. I hope to reach close to 10,000 people in the South Carolina Upstate this coming year. My prayer is that they will be drawn to give and give generously.   —  OLIVIA PEDERSEN




Some of the greatest thrills of the Christmas season live within the encounters we experience. Cozy conversations shared over warm drinks, belly laughter brought on by goofy winter PJs and slightly too much seasonal sugar, cherished stories passed down as family ornaments go up - these are the true gifts. Over the past year, you’ve given the rescued kids the delight and wonder of encounter.  The joy of life that everyone deserves. They’ve experienced friendship, milestones, personal growth, and everything in between. 

These moments are precious and deserving of thoughtful wrapping and a place under the tree.



It starts with selecting the perfect tree, either from the lot or the catalog. Then follows transporting this chosen tree to the prime location in the home, sometimes with ease and others with great struggle. Next, come the countless crates of ornaments bursting from all corners of the house and a deep breath. It’s time to trim the tree. Boxes pop open, and collected treasures of years past make their appearance. A toddler's popsicle stick snowflake, a mangled macaroni candy cane the dog got ahold of last year, great grandma's silver bells, and the dough ornaments mom used to make. The room brims with memories as stories of encounter unfold.

Trimming the tree ushers in the joy and light of the Christmas season, but it also offers a glorious pocket of time to slow down and take a stroll along memory lane. To take a look at all the delightful encounters life has gifted us. This year, we're decorating our tree with the themes that guided us and the glorious encounters you gave the rescued kids along the way.


Audrey Lovetro